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Activation signal received ?

Ageing or youth is affected !

Vitalize Peptide 2.0


Main functions of V WOMAN

  • Activate body cells, delay aging.

  • Relieve discomfort of menstrual period and menopause. Calm mind and mood.

  • Promote sleep quality and improve insomnia.

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Keep Cell Talks and Stay Healthy


A key to a healthy body is achieving [close communication] among cells. The cells and organs of the body send messages through specific micro elements (Cell-specific Signaling Molecules) to signal cells to divide and maintain normal body functions. However, these elements diminishes with age, causing cell senescence and organ degradation. 

Rejuvenate signals and stimulate cell youth


Prevention always better than cure! Activate cell signals in early time to maintain healthy metabolism. Vitalize Peptide 2.0 series are purified and refined directly from young biological cells to extract micro element peptide, which release targeted activation signals to specifically activate individual senescent cells, and to enhance the effectiveness of [cell talks].


Super micro molecules allow direct absorption


The active ingredients of Vitalize Peptide 2.0 are directly absorbed by the body through the oral mucosa, achieving the effect of repairing aging cells, improving organ functions, and strengthening physical fitness.

GMP certified with

strict packaging standard


High standard sterilization and packaging process approved by GMP is adopted to ensure the activeness of Peptide molecule. Our package standard is aligned with medical use vaccine, so the quality and activeness of Peptide is guaranteed. 

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Drink twice per week. 

Consume with confidence

Take one box every month (i. e. 8 bottles)

A complete cycle contains 3 boxes (i.e. 3 months)

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Target on aging cells

Rejuvenate body function

Extracted and refined from

100% natural peptide

No chemicals added

Exclusive formula for Asian

High efficacy with low dosage


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